Song-filled, animated feature with the mischievous chipmunks. Alvin and his brothers get a fright and a half while working as movie studio tour performers. Upon deciding to visit the Frankenstein’s Castle attraction, they end up encountering what seems to be the real Dr. Frankenstein and his monstrous creation!
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 – 1.33:1
Language: English
Product Dimension: 13.5 x 1.5 x 19 cm; 80 Grams
Item model number: 5050582557633
Director: Kathi Castillo
Media Format: PAL
Run time: 1 hour and 18 minutes
Release date: 14 July 2008
Subtitles: English
Studio: Universal Pictures UK
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Number of discs: 1
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