Ghost thriller starring Jaime King as Sarah, a young mother who returns to the USA with her husband Jason (Terry Chen) and their young son Sammy (Regan Oey) for a family funeral, having spent the first years of her son’s life in Shanghai. Soon after their arrival, Sammy starts seeing ghosts and then falls seriously ill. When Western medicine offers no solutions, Sarah turns in desperation to a mysterious Chinese pharmacist for help – and discovers to her horror that Sammy has been possessed by a living corpse.
Language: English
Package Dimensions: 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 Grams
Manufacturer reference: 5055002531699
Director: Ernie Barbarash
Media Format: PAL
Run time: 1 hour and 25 minutes
Release date: 18 Jan. 2010
Actors: Jaime King, Terry Chen, Cheng Pei-Pei
Studio: In2film
Number of discs: 1
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