Five more episodes from the second season of the children’s animated show are based on the line of toys manufactured by Hasbro. In this instalment, Pinkie Pie tries to become friends with Cranky Doodle Donkey, Minotaur teaches Fluttershy how to be more assertive, Twilight Sparkle gets a visit from her future self and Spike joins a gang of teenage dragons who call themselves the Great Dragon Migration. The episodes are: ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’, ‘A Friend in Deed’, ‘Putting Your Hoof Down’, ‘It’s About Time’ and ‘Dragon Quest’.
Also includes bonus My Little Pony Stickers
Rated: Universal, particularly children
Language: English
Package Dimensions: 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 Grams
Manufacturer reference: 5060400282296
Media Format: PAL
Run time: 1 hour and 50 minutes
Release date: 6 July 2015
Studio: Primal Screen
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Number of discs: 1
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