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Payment & Security

What are the online payment options available on your website?

We accept all Major Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Humm and Klarna

Do you provide a Cash on Delivery (COD) service?

No Cash-on-delivery service is available

My transaction failed, and I received a payment gateway error message Please help.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused; this could be due to a technical glitch, Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our Customer Care Team, who will help you complete your order. If the amount was deducted before the order was completed, please get in touch with your bank for transaction reversal.

How do I report any suspicious activity during payment?

Please abort the transaction and inform our Customer Care Team immediately. You may also want to contact your bank and ensure the safety of your account.

What happens if my credit/debit card has been compromised while making a payment online?

We do not store/retain any of your credit card information. If you suspect that your information has been compromised, please get in touch with your bank immediately.

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